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CHRISTMAS DEMO & DINE 091222-1730-2100
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Enjoy this Festive Night where our brilliant Chef Stephen Jeffers demonstrates 4 courses to show you how to perfect you Christmas Dinner at home. Then get a taster of everything that he has made afterwards.
This is always a very popular night so get booked quick!
Canapés & Chilled Bubbly on Arrival.
Truffled Baked Celeriac Soup
- sourdough croutons,pickled chestnuts & micro watercress.
Cured Salmon Tartare Tartlet
- wasabi,pickled cucumber & beetroot gel.
Crown of Bronze Turkey.
- fricassee of sprouts & wild mushrooms, pressed potato, parsnip & celeriac, jus & potted cranberries.
Rich Chocolate Mousse Torte.
- candied spice nuts, rum ice cream.